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Inspiring People: Jan

inspiring people Jan

Getting back to being your best – Inspiring People
Jan has been a patient of over many years and has recently completed the first GLA:D® education and exercise programme conducted at EBR Physio.    We chatted to Jan to find out how it went.

Why did you decide to do the GLA:D® programme?
Jan: I knew I needed to have a knee replacement so I did the GLA:D® programme as the final stage of preparation pre-surgery.

Was there anything in the programme that surprised you?
Jan: The exercises were similar to those I had done as part of my physio sessions previously with a few new ones.  The ‘sliders’ which we used were new to me.

How did you find the sessions?

Jan:  the sessions were good,  the corrections given by the physio, Lea were excellent.  I also enjoyed being challenged by the progression of exercises .

Did you notice any differences, before and after doing the programme?
In what ways?

Jan:  Definitely, at the beginning I wasn’t able to get through the set exercises and by the end of the 6 weeks not only could I complete the exercises, but my speed improved.  I regained strength which was lost through pain and lack of movement.  There was also an improvement in my range of movement. 

Would you recommend the programme to others with knee or hip concerns?

Jan:  I already have!  The GLA:D® programme also made a difference to my recovery.  My GP was very impressed with how well I was moving post surgery. 

Visit the GLA:D® page on our website to find out more details about the programme.

COVID19 Update

The COVID-19 pandemic places an added level of complexity and concern for patient care. The health and wellbeing of our community, staff and clients is a priority for us. We are doing what we can to continue to support you as well as comply with containment advice from the Victorian Government’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA).

Face to Face Physiotherapy
The Department of Health’s advice considers physiotherapy an essential service. From a national perspective, we recommend that members use their professional judgment when determining if a face-to-face consultation is most appropriate.

Physio-led group exercise classes
Our group exercise classes resume from 26th June 2020. We will be aligning with Victorian Government’s DHHS advice, with relevant infection control principles applied. The APA’s view is that physiotherapy group interventions are permissible in
each state and territory provided they adhere to necessary social distancing and hygiene precautions.

The APA recommends that Physiotherapists apply the following limits in group classes with a social distancing of 4 metres squared per person enforced:

Allow an average 4m2 per person in a group exercise space as a guide PLUS physical distancing of equipment/mats so patients are kept more than 1.5m apart.
Staggered class times to minimise cross over of patients exiting/entering group exercise spaces and the waiting room.
Allow adequate time for a class to be conducted safely with respect to cleaning of equipment after every single client use. Class times may vary to accommodate this.
The APA recommends that Physios use their professional judgement to decide about the appropriateness of offering face-to-face sessions including group classes for vulnerable members of the community. Telehealth consultations are to be considered for those clients.

Inspiring People: Nicole

Nicole first came to EBR during the hard lockdown in Melbourne. Having suffered a stroke some time ago Nicole is no stranger to physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Nicole recently underwent ground-breaking reconstructive surgery to improve her ability to walk. When Nicole started her rehab journey at EBR she was in a boot, using a crutch and could only walk a short distance. Nicole has been attending physio twice a week, continuing her rehab at home and in two short months she has improved enormously and is now able to now walk 400 meters independently. We chatted to her recently to find out how she stays motivated with her rehab.

What brought you to EBR Physio?
Nicole: I was looking for a local physio for my post-surgical rehab.

How has EBR Physio got you back to being your best?
Nicole: Michael has kept me challenged with my rehab with constant goal setting. We have already exceeded expectations, it’s great to be able to look back and see how far I’ve come.

How do you stay motivated?
Nicole: For me being mobile and independent are my biggest motivations. I have a zest for life and want to get back to being independent so that I am able to enjoy every day.

How would you describe your overall rehab experience at EBR Physio?
Nicole: I really like the family atmosphere at EBR Physio, It feels less clinical, friendly and as a result, enjoyable to be there.

Michael conducting a session via TeleHealth

Out of Lockdown 2020

Melbourne is finally out of lockdown and it’s time to work on you. Put on a few COVID kilos?

Concerned about jumping straight back into the gym?

We offer one to one and small group physio exercise with Clinical Pilates. Whether your goal is to fix that nagging injury or working on improving your core and flexibility we can help you get back to being your best. Our classes are up and running already and adding new classes all the time. Please speak to us if you would like to find out about how you can join.

Class information HERE

Book Now

National Mental Health Month

This year’s theme, Mental Health Matters aims to raise awareness, educate and provide support in the community.  Mental Health Month is a great opportunity to promote a positive attitude towards mental health and the importance of a healthy lifestyle for us all.

COVID/lockdown has certainly presented many challenges to our physical and mental well-being.  Many of our patients have met these head-on by attending our online exercise sessions, online telehealth as well as face to face physiotherapy where needed

Inspiring People: Leonie

Getting back to being your best – Inspiring People
Leonie has been a patient of ours for many years. She has been attending one on one weekly exercise sessions for the past year and has continued these all the way through lockdowns via Telehealth. Because Leonie has been such a superstar we chatted with her to see what inspires her:

What brought you to EBR Physio?
Leonie: I was already attending EBR Physio for hands-on treatment but doing my exercise elsewhere. I didn’t realise that I could also do my one on one exercise sessions with my physio.

Tell us about your telehealth experience
Leonie: After we ironed out the initial technical/Internet hiccups it has been fantastic. I have been able to seamlessly continue my weekly exercise with my swiss ball, weights and exercise band. I have enjoyed the variety of exercises that can be done using simple equipment. When I felt sore I was able to show Michael which area it was and was able to tailor our sessions to adapt accordingly. Michael’s friendly personality and lovely banter have made my telehealth experience most enjoyable.

Step into Spring

Spring is here and it’s a great time to boost your outdoor activity.   As lockdown restrictions ease, we will be able to increase our exercise time to two hours outdoors and hopefully even more soon.   Let’s all strive to be our best during these difficult times and make the most of the positive opportunities.    

It’s a good idea to exercise outside in the warmer weather. Try your backyard or a local park. If that isn’t possible, use the sunniest room in your home.

  • Move your body one song at a time and dance like no one is watching
  • Mow the lawns and weed the garden.
  • Walk the dog
  • Walk to the café to get your coffee instead of driving
  • Try a bite size 5 or 10minute exercise snack
  • Set small, physical activity goals

For some additional motivation head to “our youtube channel” for a simple home workout with our Ben Jaffe.

Exercise is as much about the mental as it is the physical. Keep moving in whatever way works for you, so you can feel mentally healthy.

Getting back to Exercise Safely

During COVID many of us have worked from home and except for walking and cycling, we’ve been unable to go to gym or group exercise classes. During this time I know many of you have logged on to our free online exercises each week with myself via Zoom.

From the week beginning 22nd of June, we are recommencing our group exercise classes and many of you will be returning to the gym and perhaps sport training sessions. The risk is that many of us will go too hard too fast. All of us need to gradually build up the level that we were at three months ago. Certainly, in our EBR classes, we will be mindful of starting gently and listening to our bodies.

If you are returning to the gym you will need to decrease your previous weights by 30-40% and gradually increase. At EBR Physio we can guide you with a return to exercise and sport/training plan. We can help you with a preventative exercise and stretching programme and help nip any of those overused, overload and injuries in the bud.

Additional Resources:

Australian Physiotherapy Association

With gyms across the country beginning their return to normality, you might find yourself with an unwelcome injury if you go too hard, too early.

The Age

How to return to the gym without injuring yourself

Australian Physiotherapy Association
APA Sports Physiotherapist Julie Campbell, MACP, notes that getting your technique checked, slowing it down and dropping the weights for a bit will go a long way towards aiding your healthy return.

How do Classes work at EBR Physio?

What is Physio Exercise?

At EBR Physio we run small group physio-led exercise classes which are an effective way to
rehabilitate injuries, strengthen your body and stay fit. They are designed to keep you on track to
recover 100% from your injury and keep you there. Once your physio has got you back to your
sport/activity/work classes will help you stay motivated to be your best.

All classes are conducted by Physiotherapists & are claimable through private health insurance
extras. Our classes are also completely covered by WorkCover, TAC + DVA.

Class structure

Classes are conducted in our gym and may include upper and lower body strength exercises,
stretches and balance work. A combination of equipment is utilised including; mats, Pilates
reformer, trapeze, fit-ball, foam roller, band +weights, all tailored to your specific needs.
There is a maximum of 4 people per class and they run for 45 minutes

What to wear/bring?

  • Comfortable exercise clothes
  • No shoes required, barefoot or socks (Pilates grip socks available for purchase)
  • Bring a water bottle + towel

How to get started?

At EBR Physio we personalise your exercise program taking into consideration any previous
injuries or conditions.

Before joining a group class you will need to have an initial assessment for the physio to assess
your physical and medical health. They will discuss goals and expectations and also ensure that you
grasp the principles of the exercises and are performing movements correctly.

Individualised exercise

Physio Exercise is suitable for people of all age groups and fitness levels as it is low-impact and is
closely supervised and instructed by your physio. Each session is tailored to individual body,
goals and needs making them safe and appropriate for everyone.

To go ahead and book a preliminary session go to: Book Now 

To see our current Group Exercise Timetable click HERE

To read more about Group Exercise, in General, click HERE