Please refer to the DHHS website for the most up to date details on the current restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne.
EBR Physio is following the guidelines for the Health care sector as outlined on the Victorian Government Coronavirus website.
Our business has a COVIDSafe Plan and we are operating based on the Six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces, including maintaining physical distancing, wearing face masks, practising good hygiene and keeping attendance records of clients and staff.
For further details and frequently asked questions about allied health and primary care, see ‘Health Care and Social Assistance sector guidance’.
COVID-19 – vaccine requirements from 1/1/2022: In order to best protect everyone at EBR Physio patients who are unvaccinated will be asked to wear an N95 mask. The treating physio will also wear an N95 mask. An additional charge of $10.00 will be added to cover the costs of the masks.
To protect all of us during COVID-19 please adhere to the following checklist:
Connect Health require all pool users to adhere to the following:
– Frequent hand washing your hands with soap and water
– Provision of hand santiser throughout the clinic
– coughing or sneezing into a tissue or elbow and washing your hands
– social distancing – staying 1.5 metres from others when not providing direct care
– cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects
– Use of disinfectant solution/spray to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces between each episode of patient care.
– Clean/disinfect surfaces in areas that patients have direct contact.
– ‘EBR Physio Gym Use -Checklist’ to be read and agreed to by all attendees.
– Hand sanitising station provided
– Social distancing of 4 metres squared per person enforced in a group exercise space.
– physical distancing of equipment/mats so patients are kept more than 1.5m apart.
– Staggered class times to minimise cross over of patients exiting/entering group exercise space.
– Allowance of adequate time for a class to be conducted safely with respect to cleaning of equipment after every single client use. Class times may vary to accommodate this.