Chronic pain is pain that has persisted for more than three months. It can be anywhere in the body and can start from a serious injury or something quite insignificant. There does not need to be any evidence to prove it exists. It won’t necessarily show up on any imaging or blood tests. It is a real condition but more often than not is successfully treated by a multi-disciplinary or holistic approach. There are some common conditions such as Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Chronic Lower Back Pain amongst many others.
Your Physio will have a chat with you about your condition. They will take a medical history, review your symptoms and may do various tests and measures to ensure they have a good understanding of your issue. They will then formulate a plan to best treat you.
Treatment of symptoms:
Your Physio will assist you with coping strategies, both physical and psychological. Your treatment will consist of education and understanding partnered with exercises for strength, range, coordination and balance. Your Physio may liaise with your ‘team’ and direct you to other health practitioners who can help you better understand your condition and improve your everyday activities.
Your treatment may involve a multi-disciplinary team which may include your local GP, a pain specialist, physiotherapist, psychologist and an exercise physiologist. This list is a sample and many other health practitioners may be involved.